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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. OEE Presents US EPA's Clean Power Plan Proposal

    OSU's Office of Energy  and Environment welcomes Dr. Susan Hedman, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 5 Administrator, who will present US EPA's Clean Power Plan Proposal. The presentation will be held in Scott Laboratory, rm. E100 (20 ...

  2. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    The OSU Climate Change webinar will be on Exploring Snowfall in the United States with Daria Kluver, Assistant Professor of Climatology at Central Michigan University. The webinar is free. To register click here. Once registered, you will receive a confir ...

  3. What Can You Do With Your Woods

    The woodland you own may be something you purchased or something you 'got with the farm' but now that it is yours what should you do with it?  This is a common question from woodland owners!   This evening workshop will cover some basic topics o ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes William Shuster, Research Hydrologist, US EPA National Risk Management Research Laboratory, who will present Understanding, Managing, and Sustaining Water and Soil Resources in Urban Ecosystems-- Somes Notes from the Field ...

  5. DamNation

    ENR Scholars is proud to be hosting a public screening of DamNation on Tuesday, October 7th, at 7pm  in Kottman 103. ...

  6. Undergraduate Program Advising Session


  7. Undergraduate Program Advising Session


  8. Undergraduate Program Advising Session


  9. Undergraduate Program Advising Session


  10. Modeling the Determinants of Farmland Values in the United States

