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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Fall Weather Outlook

    The second half of August into early September experienced above normal temperatures as we expected. Rainfall has been at or above normal the last 30-days except in the northwest and south central parts of the state where it was below normal. The outlook ...

  2. Cover Crop Field Day Announcement

    A Cover Crop Field Day will be held Thursday, September 25, 2014, 1:30p – 4:00p and 6:00p to Dark.  This will be held at Stanley and Debbie Brown’s farm on State Route 364, St. Marys, OH (South of Grand Lake St. Marys).  The fields are ¼ mile south of the ...

  3. Knox County Agronomy Field Day

    Knox County Agronomy Field Day When: Tuesday, September 23 (Rain date―Thursday, September 25) Time: Noon- 5 p.m. Where: Coe Farm, south of Mount Vernon (8299 Granville Road, Corner of SR 661 and Blackjack Road)Hosts:  The Coe Family and Scott McCann Noon: ...

  4. Farm Science Review and CCA Continuing Education

    The 2014 Farm Science Review is next week, many across Ohio will be attending to learn more about what it means to grow a crop in this eastern cornbelt state. One group is the Certified Crop Advisers; again this year the Agronomic Crops Team, the Sustaina ...

  5. Assessing the risk of frost injury to late maturing corn

    According to the National Agricultural Statistics Service ( as of August 31, 87 percent of Ohio’s corn acreage was in the dough stage (R4), nearly the same as the five-year average of 88 percent. Forty-one percent of the corn acr ...

  6. FSR CCA College: Register by September 4th

    The weather forecast is for 75 degrees and partly cloudy; a perfect day to be outside. This late summer update for agronomist and those advising growers on crop production will be held on September 9th from 8:45 until 3 pm at the Farm Science Review Site ...

  7. Farm Science Review 2014: Plan your show

    Plan to attend the 2014 Farm Science Review September 16th-18th in London, Ohio. The FSR show hours are: Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Thursday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.  You can plan your show now by visiting  and looking at the Schedu ...

  8. Ohio no-till field day announced

    The Ohio No-Till Field Day will be Sept. 9 at John Buck’s farm in western Marion County (7632 Wildcat Pike, New Bloomington). The emphasis of the program is to provide a systems approach to make continuous no-till successful, not just individual component ...

  9. Last alfalfa cutting of the year

    The cool, wet spring followed by rainy weather well into the summer has delayed hay cutting schedules across much of Ohio. The delayed cutting schedules will likely mean that many fields won’t be ready for a last harvest until we are into the critical fal ...


    Farmers who harvest corn silage will often drill cereal rye at 2-2.5 bushel per acre 1 inch deep (no more than 2 inches deep), apply manure, and then harvest 3-5 wet tons (1.5 to 2.5 tons dry matter) of spring forage before planting corn or soybeans.  Man ...
