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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. 2024 Skillathon Information

    SKILLATHON SCHEDULE FOR 2024 Beef- TBD Dairy- TBD Dog- TBD Goat- TBD Horse- TBD Poultry- Swine Barn July 20- 9:00am-11:00am July 23- 6:00pm-7:00pm                   Junior Fair Poultry T-Shirt Design Contest Guidelines                 Poultry Skillathon S ...

  2. Dr. Devin Peterson

    Dr. Devin Peterson Professor Distinguished Professor of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences 614-688-2723 317 Parker Food Science Building 2015 Fyffe Road food flavor, foo ...

  3. Matt Chrusciel

    Matt Chrusciel MS Student & Teaching Laboratory Manager 614- 292-1055 233C Parker Food Science and Technology Building 2015 Fyffe Road- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  4. Thomas Blaine, PhD

    Thomas Blaine, PhD Associate Professor Economic Development Agricultural Administration Building, Suite 3, 2120 Fyffe Road, Columbus, OH 43210 330-466-7877 Thomas W. Blaine hails from Russell, Kentucky – a portion of the “tri-state area” ...

  5. Ohio Victory Gardens

    Victory Gardens originated during World War I, an answer to a severe food shortage at the time. People were encouraged to find any usable space, plop in some seeds and contribute homegrown fruits, vegetables and herbs to the effort. The idea was wildly su ...

  6. EPN Signature Earth Day Event

    Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food Ohio State’s Environmental Professionals Network, in collaboration with the Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens and native plant enthusiasts from across the state, proudly invite you to eat and dr ...

  7. Spring Gardening

    Join Darke County ANR Educator, Caden Buschur, for tips and ideas toward a successful garden. Topics will include spring garden tasks, what to grow, and when to plant. For more information, contact Caden Buschur at 937-548-5215 or email ...

  8. Shared Harvest

    GREENVILLE, OH-- Shared Harvest Foodbank, in partnership with OSU Extension, Darke County, and Darke County United Way, will once again host a “drive-thru” food distribution at Radiant Lighthouse on Wednesday, March 27 th  from 3:30 p.m to 5:00 p.m.  Shar ...

  9. Hall of Distinction Award

    Established in 2013, the Hall of Distinction seeks to recognize graduates and friends of the Department of Food Science and Technology at The Ohio State University who have made significant contributions to the food science and technology profession. Nomi ...

  10. Real Money. Real World. Receives National AFCPE Award

    During the annual Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE®)  Symposium  in New Orleans, a team of Ohio State University Extension educators, which included Dr. Roseanne Scammahorn, former OSU Extension FCS Educator in Darke Co ...
