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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 4-H Home Economics Day Camp

    Please consult the flyer for full details along with a registration form. ...

  2. Business Development Network

    This network provides business assistance to entrepreneurs, small business owners, and manufacturers through professional, in-depth, confidential one on one business consulting. Additionally the network provides a variety of training programs and workshop ...

  3. Denman Undergraduate Research Forum

    The Undergraduate Research Office (URO) will host the 20th Denman Undergraduate Research Forum on Wednesday, March 25th in the RPAC from 12:00- 3:00 PM.  If you're interested in undergraduate research, this is a great opportunity to see what types of ...

  4. Little "I"


  5. Past Events


  6. Hawkins Inducted into Animal Science Hall of Fame

    Dr. David R. Hawkins was inducted May 17 into the Animal Science Hall of Fame. ...

  7. Mandatory Advisor Training

    All advisors must attend a training session. Call to reserve a spot. ...

  8. Mandatory Advisor Training

    All advisors must attend a training session. Call to reserve a spot. ...

  9. Dr. Lynn Willett: Recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award

    Dr. Lynn Willett was honored Saturday, May 12, as a recipient of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award for 2012. Dr. Lynn Willett received a Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science in 1966 from Colorado State University. He received a MS in Dairy Managemen ...

  10. Jr. Horse Council Meeting

