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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Vet-Med Opportunities with New Ohio State Degree Program

    December 14, 2005 COLUMBUS, Ohio — A new academic program, being offered by Ohio State University's Department of Animal Sciences in collaboration with Columbus State Community College, is adding career opportunities for students interested in the fi ...

  2. Researchers Investigate Nursery Stock Bark Splitting

    January 3, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Nursery tree stock throughout Ohio is suffering from bark splitting, a common injury sustained under cold conditions. But the severity and scope of the damage is costing nursery growers millions in lost revenue, and is dri ...

  3. Rewarding Conservation Farmers Through Carbon Trading

    January 5, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio — It's been said that money makes the world go 'round, and now it can also make it more environmentally friendly. Farmers who practice no-till or any other tillage-limiting production technique can earn a few extra ...

  4. OFVG Congress Offers Latest in Ag Technology

    January 6, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Technology-- from computers to digital imagery to GPS equipment-- is becoming more integrated in agricultural production, improving field applications, streamlining businesses and opening new worlds in production managemen ...

  5. Training Workshop Offers Certification in Manure Handling

    January 9, 2006 MARYSVILLE, Ohio-- Manure application can be an asset for livestock producers, or a liability depending on how properly it is handled. A training workshop will be held in February for custom manure applicators interested in becoming certif ...

  6. Renewable Energy Conference Focuses on Entrepreneurial Projects

    January 18, 2006 REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio-- Farmers, greenhouse businesses and economic development specialists interested in renewable energy entrepreneurial projects in Ohio have the opportunity to attend the Ohio Renewable Energy Conference. The event, spons ...

  7. Warm Winter Weather Could be Trouble for Wheat

    January 30, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio's unseasonably mild winter could cause problems for the wheat crop once it breaks dormancy, especially if the season seesaws from snowy to warmer conditions during green-up. Pierce Paul, an Ohio State University ...

  8. Ohio State University Extension to Host Garden Design Workshop

    January 31, 2006 BOWLING GREEN, Ohio-- Homeowners, landscape specialists, horticulturists, and garden enthusiasts seeking to sharpen their garden designing skills have the opportunity to attend a daylong interactive workshop on basic design. Designing the ...

  9. Slice Your On-Farm Fuel Bill with These Simple Tips

    February 2, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- With diesel prices on the rise-- up nearly 50 cents from this time last year and a dollar higher than in 2004-- a little bit of savings can go a long way when it comes to taking steps to conserve fuel on the farm. Randall ...

  10. Soybean Rust Sentinel Plots to Continue in 2006

    February 17, 2006 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Sentinel plots, established throughout the country last year as the first line of defense against soybean rust, will again be a part of the plan to monitor the disease this growing season. Anne Dorrance, an Ohio State Uni ...
