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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Seasonal Vaccines

    COVID-19 Overview of COVID-19 Vaccines Benefits of COVID-19 Vaccines Digital Patient Education Resources (PDF) Age COVID-19 Risk Factor Infographic Diabetes COVID-19 Risk Factor Infographic Overweight/obese COVID-19 Risk Factor Infographic FAQ Get Vaccina ...

  2. Wits Workout

    Get ready to train your brain this winter by joining Wits Workout! This program is perfect for individuals  who love to do word puzzles and logic games (or those who like to get into the habit this year)! Presented by Jessica Lowe, OSU Extension Office. ...

  3. Strategies for Surviving the Holidays & Tai Chi

    The holidays are often filled with sharing, laughter, and memories, but they can also bring stress, disappointment, and saddness. Join us to gail an understanding of Alzheimer's Disease and learn strategies for making the holiday season less stressfu ...

  4. Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

    Become a Master Gardener Volunteer The  Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program  provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents, who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and acti ...

  5. Winter Tai Chi in the Parks

    Join OSU Extension and the Park District for a Tai Chi experience in the parks! This Tai Chi workshop is an 8 week course for beginners. Tai Chi can help decrease arthritis pain, helps prevent falls, increase flexibility, improve physical and mental balan ...

  6. Garth Ruff

    Garth Ruff Field Specialist, Beef Cattle Beef Cattle Southeast Region Extension Office 740-651-7140 Garth was appointed to this position in July 2020. Ruff has served as the Extension educator for agriculture and natural resources in Henry ...

  7. Elizabeth Hawkins

    Elizabeth Hawkins Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems Precision Agriculture, Agronomic Crop Production, On-Farm Research 111 S. Nelson Ave., Suite 2, Wilmington, OH 45177 937-382-0901 Elizabeth’s research interests include using on-far ...

  8. Early Childhood Education

    Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences offers Early Childhood Education programs in numerous counties throughout Ohio. According to  Groundwork Ohio's  early childhood mental health: " Brains are built on a foundation of ea ...

  9. Greg LaBarge

    Greg LaBarge Professor, Field Specialist, Agronomic Systems Department of Extension Ohio State University Extension Agronomic Systems OSU Extension Madison County, 217 Elm St., London, OH 43140 419-460-0600 Download Greg Labarge's C ...

  10. Glen Arnold

    Glen Arnold Professor, Field Specialist, Manure Nutrient Management Manure Nutrient Management Systems 7868 County Road 140, Suite B, Findlay, OH 45840 419-422-3851 Glen conducts field research on using liquid livestock manure to replace ...
