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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Chow Line: What works for weight loss (for 9/4/05)

    August 26, 2005 I’ve been trying to lose weight all year (New Year’s resolution) but keep getting off track, and I’m losing and gaining the same five pounds over and over again. Any ideas? First, don’t beat yourself up. At leas ...

  2. Chow Line: Weigh all factors to determine fat (for 9/15/02)

    September 5, 2002 I've heard that fried chicken has only slightly more fat than roasted chicken. Can that be true? Ounce for ounce, that might be true-- depending on what your definition of "slightly" is. But as usual, the answer is a bit m ...

  3. Chow Line: Waxy or mealy? Choose spuds wisely (for 2/16/03)

    February 6, 2003 At a holiday dinner, my daughter used russets to make mashed potatoes. I always thought russets were for baking. Am I wrong? Russets, also known as Idahos or "bakers," are good for lots of things. High in starch and low in moist ...

  4. Chow Line: 'Water weight' easy to lose at first (for 4/10/05)

    April 1, 2005 Whenever I make a concerted effort to watch my diet, I lose a lot of weight very quickly-- sometimes 5 to 7 pounds within the first week or two. But after that, it's much harder to lose weight. I've always heard that those first po ...

  5. Chow Line: Watch sugar intake for calories, nutrients (for 10/19/03)

    October 10, 2003 I continue to be surprised at the amount of sugar my teenage daughter consumes. How bad is it for her? If your daughter can afford the extra calories and otherwise eats a balanced diet, then you needn't be too concerned. The problem ...

  6. Chow Line: Wash those fruits and veggies (for 5/26/02)

    May 17, 2002 Some cantaloupe was recently recalled because of salmonella. I thought that was mostly a problem with chicken and eggs. How did it get on fruit? Salmonella, like many microorganisms, is pervasive. According to the Centers for Disease Control, ...

  7. Chow Line: Washing hands can make you feel good (for 1/6/02)

    December 19, 2001 How can I convince my teenager to wash his hands before he eats? Convincing teenagers of anything can be challenging, to say the least. But you might have a good chance of success if you present him with cold, hard facts. We've know ...

  8. Chow Line: Vitamin guidance changes with age (for 3/5/06)

    February 24, 2006 What vitamins should an 84-year-old man take? I am in good health and I do take vitamins, but I wonder if I should take more or less. Men and women over age 50 need more calcium and vitamins D and B6 than younger adults. A multivitamin d ...

  9. Chow Line: Vitamin K appears vital for bones (for 8/28/05)

    August 19, 2005 Vitamin K appears vital for bones What does vitamin K do? As long as you’re not a stickler for English spelling, that’s an easy one to remember: Vitamin K was named for the Danish word “koagulation,” because it wa ...

  10. Chow Line: Vegetarian teens might eat better (for 6/16/02)

    May 31, 2002 A few months ago, my 15-year-old son decided he wanted to follow a vegetarian diet. I've been skeptical about the wisdom of his choice. Should I be concerned? Actually, a University of Minnesota study recently found that teenage vegetari ...
