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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Data Books

                                  County and Township Data & Resources                                       (Select a county by clicking on table) Allen Coshocton Guernsey Licking Morrow Scioto Wood Ashland Crawford Hamilton Logan Muskingum Seneca Wyando ...

  2. Datasets

    The following datasets are provided for research and additional analysis.  Each data set includes all townships in Ohio, geographic ID and County FIPS ID. (Data sets are available in Microsoft Excel Format)  Township Population: 1960 to 2000   Township Po ...

  3. Maps

    As a byproduct of the Exurban Change Project Ohio maps at varying geographic scales are available.  The geographic coverage for most maps are at the township level or focus on township data at other geographic scales.  Detailed township maps are also avai ...

  4. MILC Program Information

    The following information is provided to assist you in understanding the MILC Evaluation program, calculating production and payment levels, and finding the appropriate forms. All producers desiring to participate in the MILC Evaluation Program as authori ...

  5. Ohio Geographic Focus

      GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS Although the analysis conducted by the exurban change project varies in scale from local to regional, data collected for the project is primarily at the sub-county level. This includes data at the township, place, block group and census ...

  6. Allen County

      Township Resource Books: (In Adobe Acrobat PDF Format) Section 1: Township Population Characteristics and Change- Contents: Township Population, Population Change, and Population Density 1960 to 2000 ·           Section 1: Township Level Population Char ...

  7. J. Diallo

    202 Wednesday, April 3, 2013- 5:00pm to 6:00pm ...

  8. USDA

    202 Tuesday, April 9, 2013- 3:00pm to 4:30pm ...

  9. L.Risch

    219 Wednesday, April 3, 2013- 1:30pm to 2:30pm ...

  10. Guest Speaker Phil Sorentino- Humor Consultants Inc.

