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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Northwest Ohio Agronomic Field Day

    Visit Ohio State University research plots and talk with researchers about innovations and technology by attending the 2018 Agronomic Field Day. Free event Topics include Fertilizer Placement Options The Impacts of a 1/2 century of No-Till Identifying and ...

  2. Freezing Fruits and Vegetables

    Freezing is a simple, easy and convenient way to preserve fruits and vegetables. The freezing process preserves nutrients and provides fresher flavor than canning or drying foods. Proper handling is important before freezing, and there are recommended lim ...

  3. Canning Basics: Hot Water Bath and Pressure Canners

    This 2-hour session focuses on safe canning practices and promotes current USDA recommendations. Covers both hot water bath and pressure canner basics.  Testing of dial pressure gauges will be available prior to the program, beginning at 4:30 p.m. Bring l ...

  4. 2018 Pond Clinic

    2018 Pond Clinic 6:00 pm- Welcome- Ed Lentz, OSU Extension 6:10 pm- Design & Construction of Ponds- Gary Tuttle & Chad Carroll, SWCD 6:20 pm- Ponds for Drinking Water & Aeration- Flad City Water Systems 6:45 pm- Pond Chemicals- Ericka Kramb 7: ...

  5. Denise Tebbe Memorial Dog Walk/Horse Trail Ride/5K

    Give Cancer the boot! Saturday, August 4, 2018 at Riverbend Park Dog Walk- 9:30 a.m. Horse Trail Ride 12 pm Hot Pink Night Glow 5K Run/Walk- 8:15 pm The run/walk benefits the Denise Tebbe Memorial Scholarship Fund which is awarded to 4-H members active in ...

  6. Camp Counselor Meeting


  7. Office Closes at 3 p.m.


  8. Office Closed


  9. Office Closed


  10. Office Closes at 3 p.m.

