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Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee
OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This q ...
Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee
OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This q ...
Coffee and Grain Marketing with Dr. Seungki Lee
OSU Extension invites grain producers and industry personnel to save the dates for the quarterly grain market conversations with Dr. Seungki Lee, Assistant Professor in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics (AEDE). This q ...
4-H Professionals In-Service
Food: light morning snacks, lunch, and an afternoon dessert will be provided. Attire: please wear your OSU nametag and business casual attire. Agenda: a draft agenda is attached to this email. While not yet final, it will give you a good idea of what to e ...
27 ACEL Buckeyes awarded American Degree
Congratulations to the 27 students studying agricultural communication, agriscience education or community leadership who receive their American Degree today during the National FFA Convention this past week in Indianapolis, Indiana. These students are: ...
Pocket Guide for Grape Diseases and Disorders (PDF)
Diseases and disorders of grapes are major limiting factors in the production of wine and table grapes in Ohio. Frequent monitoring and accurate and rapid diagnoses are essential to successfully managing grape diseases. This guide is designed to be a reso ...
Pocket Guide for Grape Diseases and Disorders
Diseases and disorders of grapes are major limiting factors in the production of wine and table grapes in Ohio. Frequent monitoring and accurate and rapid diagnoses are essential to successfully managing grape diseases. This guide is designed to be a reso ...
Tick ID Card Spanish (set of 25)
The Tick ID card in Spanish includes images to use when identifying blacklegged “deer” ticks, American dog ticks, lone star ticks, Asian longhorned ticks, and Gulf Coast ticks that can be found in Ohio. The back of the card provides step-by-step instructi ...
Category 7: Vertebrate Animal Control (PDF)
The Category 7: Vertebrate Animal Control study guide focuses on the application of pesticides other than fumigants for the control of pest birds, whether within or outside structures, and for the control of rodents and any other vertebrates, including mo ...
Navigating Grants and Cost-Share Programs
Click Here for Flier and Registration Info If you’ve ever asked yourself “I wonder if there is a grant out there for this project”, or “How do I learn more about cost-share programs”, then this program is for YOU! We and our partners at the USDA Farm Serv ...