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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Home

    2/13/25: Carmack Rd. from Kenny is open to staff only. Guests please enter from Lane Ave. and park in the gravel lot. No parking in the paved lot without an accessible placard displayed. 2/14: Camack Road from Kenny will be one lane with flaggers present. ...

  2. Livestock Projects

    BEEF 2025 Baby Beef Order Form 2025 Baby Beef Give-a-way 2024 Baby Beef Program 2024 Baby Beef Requirements 2024 Breeding Beef Project Requirement s NEW IN 2022: Breeding animal lease form: REQUIRED FOR ANY LEASED BREEDING ANIMAL.  Market animals may NOT ...

  3. Study at a Foreign Institution: Iceland

    ENR 5797.06 An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. Students pay OSU and other fees. Prereq: Permission of dept chairperson. Undergraduate Graduate 3.0 ENR5790.06SP17syl.pdf ENR5797.06SU17 ...

  4. Study at a Foreign Institution: New Zealand

    ENR 5797.03 An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. Students pay OSU and other fees. Prereq: Permission of resident director. Not open to students with 30 cr hrs or 2 completions of 5797 ( ...

  5. Study at a Foreign Institution: Australia

    ENR 5797.01 An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. Students pay OSU and other fees. Au, Sp, Su Sems. Prereq: Permission of dept chairperson. Not open to students with 30 cr hrs or 2 compl ...

  6. JOIN 4-H

      Call Audrey Dimmerling 4-H Educator 330-424-7291 or email   WHAT IS 4-H?  4-H is a non-formal educational, youth development program offered to individuals age 5 and in kindergarten to age 19. Ohio 4-H youth development reaches mor ...

  7. Opportunities for Teens in Columbiana County

    OPPORTUNITIES  There are numerous opportunities for youth ages 14 and up in Columbiana County throughout the 4-H Program.  The programs and opportunites that are available help to develop these youth to become the future leaders in our community.  4-H Hon ...

  8. Explore Soil Health Research and Outreach at The Ohio State University

    During  Ohio Soil Health Week   (November 10-16, 2024), organized by Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) and the Ohio Soil Health Initiative, take time to explore some of the current soil health research and outreach in the School of Environ ...

  9. 4-H Camp Whitewood

    CAMP WHITEWOOD  June 29th through July 4th Cost: $395 Ages 8-14 2025 4-H Camp Whitewood Counselor Become a Camp Counselor LEARN MORE ABOUT BECOMING A CAMP COUNSELOR Camp Whitewood Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, and Stark are partnering for a week long of ...

  10. Sustainability Metrics

    ENR 3900 Addresses the use of metrics, data, and indicators to measure sustainability and track progress. The course will survey a broad range of environmental challenges and evaluate the choices confronting public and private groups. Students will use so ...
