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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Urban Farm Tour- Converting Vacant Land

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – When you think of farms, you might envision wide open grass lands, a tractor and grazing cows, pigs or horses. But did you know there are farms right here in urban Columbus? Columbus was home to only five urban farms just three years ago. ...

  2. Get Your Fertilizer Applicator Certification at Mahoning County's July 26 Field Day

    NEW WATERFORD, Ohio — The Mahoning County office of Ohio State University Extension is hosting a fertilizer field day on July 26 from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for Ohioans needing to complete their Fertilizer Applicator Certification Training (FACT). Agronomy ...

  3. Officials Discover Hemlock Pest in Scioto County

    COLUMBUS, Jul. 5, 2017— The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) today announced the discovery of a hemlock-killing pest in Scioto County in southern Ohio. The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is a small, ap ...

  4. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop

    The OSU Extension IPM Grape Team and the Ohio Grape Industry Committee invite you to attend a day-long-workshop on pest scouting and the identification and management of grape disease, insect pests and weeds in Ohio vineyards. The workshops will be held a ...

  5. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop

    The OSU Extension IPM Grape Team and the Ohio Grape Industry Committee invite you to attend a day-long-workshop on pest scouting and the identification and management of grape disease, insect pests and weeds in Ohio vineyards. The workshops will be held a ...

  6. Manure Science Review on August 2

    PAULDING, Ohio – Farmers who want to learn more about creating fertile soil for crops and how to manage manure to improve profits, while also protecting the environment, should attend the Manure Science Review on August 2. The Paulding Soil & Water Co ...

  7. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    Sheep owners and others interested in forage management are invited to participate in a sheep grazing/forage management tour scheduled for Friday July 14 in Holmes and Wayne Counties, Ohio. Topics to be discussed at the farms will include information for ...

  8. Urban Farm Tours Happening Throughout Columbus

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – When you think of farms, you might envision wide open grass lands, a tractor and grazing cows, pigs or horses. But did you know there are farms right here in urban Columbus? Columbus was home to only five urban farms just three years ago. ...

  9. First 2017 Report of Cucumber Downy Mildew in Ohio

    June 28, 2017- Downy mildew was confirmed this afternoon in cucumbers in West Salem (Wayne County), OH.  This follows a report of downy mildew on pickling cucumbers and cantaloupe in  Essex County, Ontario  yesterday, and is about 8 days earlier than our ...

  10. Pruning Clinic

    Join us for a morning of pruning and fun! • Learn to prune for maximum flower potential, disease reduction, regeneration and shape. • We will discuss proper pruning techniques and tools to keep your landscape looking its best. • Practice on trees and shru ...
