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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Food & Farm Marketing Basics

    Do you feel like your food and farm business marketing is missing the mark? We can help! Join us for Food and Farm Marketing Basics to improve your marketing skills and better connect with your customers.  In this workshop, you will learn how to identify ...

  2. Eight Easy Exercises for Financial Fitness

    The steps in the budgeting process can be overwhelming if you haven’t done them before or if you don’t understand how to do them. The tool that will be shared in this session, Eight Easy Steps to Financial Fitness, will help you plan for a budget that wil ...

  3. Narrow Row Spacing in Corn: Management Considerations for Ohio


  4. Managing Stress with Diet


  5. Dr. Logan Minter

    Dr. Logan Minter Statewide Field Specialist/ Associate Professor, Extension in Specialty Crops Room 136 Research and Extension Bldg. The Ohio State University South Centers, Piketon Dr. Logan Minter grew up in rural Pike County, Ohio and ...

  6. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland


  7. Food Preservation: Pasteurization of Raw Milk for Home Consumption


  8. Healthy Meals on a Budget

    Don’t let the 6:00 dinner panic get you down! Come learn both the nutritional benefits and the cost savings of preparing healthy meals. This program, taught by Shannon Carter from OSU Extension, provides practical education on food selection, purchasing, ...

  9. Management Strategies in Times of Drought

    Some suggest during this year Southeastern Ohio experienced what might be the worst drought in our history. Regardless where it may rank, few of this generation have the experience of managing through a time when feed resources were in such short supply f ...

  10. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

