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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Emma Grace Matcham

    We are pleased to announce that Dr. Emma Grace Matcham will be joining HCS in January 2025 as an Assistant Professor and Forage Specialist! ...

  2. Chris Walsh

    Chris Walsh Lecturer & Director for Professional Golf Management 100% Teaching (614) 292-3869 Howlett Hall (248B) BS Business- Ferris State University (1991) Professional Golf Management I oversee the Professional Golf Management Prog ...

  3. Brynn Johnson

    Brynn Johnson MS (Carr) Columbus I'm anticipating graduating Spring 2026 Research Focus: Combination of mowing height and nitrogen rates on Kentucky bluegrass and tall fescue for community level sports fields. Why OSU? I chose t ...

  4. Eric Renze

    Eric Renze Research Assistant (614) 292-1941 OPGC BS Agriculture I work at the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center (OPGC)! I'm  responsible for the management of seeds in the OPGC collection aka evaluating seed quality and viability, an ...

  5. Susan Stieve

    Susan Stieve Curator (614) 292-3726 OPGC MS Horticulture- University of Wisconsin-Madison BS Horticulture- University of Wisconsin-Madison At the Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center, w e conserve herbaceous ornamental plant materials & ...

  6. Dr. Garrett Owen

    Dr. Garrett Owen Assistant Professor- Sustainable Greenhouse Nursery Systems 50% Extension | 30% Research | 20% Teaching Howlett Hall (334) Columbus Campus PhD Horticulture- Purdue University (2017) MS Horticultural Science- North Carolin ...

  7. Dr. Wendy Klooster

    Dr. Wendy Klooster Associate Professor of Professional Practice 100% Teaching (614) 688-2637 Howlett Hall (217B) Columbus Campus PhD Horticulture & Crop Science- The Ohio State University (2012) MS Horticulture- Michigan State Unive ...

  8. Applications and Forms

    A one-stop source for 4-H members and advisors to retrieve application or registration forms. Members: 4-H Enrollment- due by April 1 Across County Membership: State 4-H Policy and Form- due by March 17 Add/Drop Project process-  You may personally Add or ...

  9. Frolence Fidelis

    Frolence Fidelis MS (Stockinger) Wooster I'm anticipating graduating Autumn 2026 Research Focus: My research focuses on improving winter barley varieties for resistance to Fusarium Head Blight and lodging. Under the guidance of Dr. ...

  10. Livestock Auction Checks Available

    Livestock Auction Checks are available in the Fair Administration Brick Building. Exhibitors must meet the following requirements to pick up their checks: 1. All the exhibitors buyers have paid. (we have several that have not paid) 2. You have completed y ...
