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Honors requirements for current SENR students
Students that wish to be considered for admission into the SENR Honors Program must meet the minimum requirements below: 3.4 cumulative GPA for at least 1 semester of enrollment Enroll in honors before completing 60 semester hours of coursework (note: ex ...
Business Retention and Expansion
Business Retention and Expansion helps communities of all sizes identify strategies that will help local businesses remain profitable and expand. ...
Mission Possible: Positive Leadership workshop
Details here. ...
Strengths-Based Management and Supervision workshop
Details here. ...
Workshop: What Is Your Personality Color Spectrum?
Details here. ...
Postdoc Position at McGill University
As part of our just-awarded NSERC CREATE training program in Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services, and Sustainability (BESS:, we seek applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University in association with UQÀM and Univer ...
Wooster's Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance Open House and Plant Sale
Wooster’s Garden of Roses of Legend and Romance will hold an open house and rose plant sale. Admission is free and open to the public. Sale proceeds will go to support the plants’ care. The open house also will have live music and a rose pruning demonstra ...
Welcome New and Returning Students
We are excited to welcome our new students and our returning students to the School of Environment and Natural Resources. Nearly 59 new freshmen, 36 new transfer students and 23 graduate students are joining us this semester. The School offers 46 distinct ...
LSFSC and LANDFIRE Webinar Got Veggies?
LANDFIRE and Lake States Fire Science Cconsortium will co-host this webinar about the review and overhaul of more than 1,000 vegetation models that serve fire science communities and land management planners. Connect through Carmen Connect at carmenconnec ...
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