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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. TWEL Grant Ravary

    Occupancy, Abundance, and Landscape Connectivity Analyses of Ring-necked Pheasant in Ohio Grant Ravary Advisor: William Peterman Thesis  Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus, herein referred to as pheasant) are an introduced game bird that occupy a ...

  2. TWEL Grant Ravary

    Occupancy, Abundance, and Landscape Connectivity Analyses of Ring-necked Pheasant in Ohio Grant Ravary Advisor: William Peterman Thesis  Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus colchicus, herein referred to as pheasant) are an introduced game bird that occupy a ...

  3. TWEL Ashlyn Halseth

    The host and parasite dynamics: Sarcoptic mange infestations among an urban coyote (Canis latrans) population Ashlyn Halseth Advisor: Stan Gehrt Thesis Sarcoptic mange, caused by the obligatory ectoparasite, Sarcoptes scabiei var canis, poses significant ...

  4. SENR Announcements, September 30

    SENR Announcements Highlights Add paragraph:  Copy:  We had a great line-up of talks by SENR graduate students last week during seminar- please join in another round of applause for students presenting this semester!    Plan to attend tomorrow's semi ...

  5. Graduate Exit Seminar- Hengkang Zhao

    Plan to join Hengkang Zhao's graduate exit seminar on October 2, 2024, at 8:00 am in Kottman Hall 333C or  via Zoom. Hengkang will present, "Temporal Changes of Soil Physical Properties in Relation to Tillage and Drainage." Abstract:  Soil ...

  6. 18th Annual Stinner Summit

    We invite you to be part of a unique event this fall. Each year the Stinner Summit gathers farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and organizations together in a different location. Using a participatory process, specific project ideas are craft ...

  7. Seminar by Vice Chancellor Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal of Punjab Agricultural University

    The Lal Carbon Center is pleased to announce that Vice Chancellor Dr. Satbir Singh Gosal of Punjab Agricultural University will present a seminar discussing the accomplishments and advances in agriculture, education, and the environment at the Punjab Agri ...

  8. The Ohio Community Wildlife Cooperative Conference

    Is your community dealing with wildlife issues? If so, this conference is designed for you.   Join Ohio community leaders and planners for a conference focused on the role of local government in managing human-wildlife conflict. This year’s topics include ...

  9. Graduate Exit Seminar- Jeremy Salvo

    Plan to join Jeremy Salvo's graduate exit seminar on October 4, 2024, at 10:00 am in Kottman Hall 370 or  via Zoom. Jeremy will present, "Characterizing the Hydrologic Response of Automated versus Manual Drainage Water Management in Northwest Oh ...

  10. Shared Harvest

    Shared Harvest is preparing boxes to be distributed to Darke County residents for this hands-free food distribution. A family receiving food will need to bring photo id and a piece of mail and will provide verbal  self-attestation for income.   All Darke ...
