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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Introduction to Spatial Information for Environment and Natural Resources

    ENR 3700 Introduction to methods of collecting and utilizing spatial information (GIS, RS and GPS) for Environmental and Natural Resources management. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 3750 or 324. Undergraduate 3.0 ENR 3700SU23STONELABSyllabus ...

  2. Women, Environment and Development

    ENR 3530 Interdisciplinary study of women's roles as environmental stewards and in resource-based development in global context. Attention given to gender differences in environmental and rural development practices. Cross-listed in WGSSt. Undergradu ...

  3. Community, Environment and Development

    ENR 3500 Social change related to natural resource and environmental issues. Includes a focus on community-level initiatives, environmental social movements, and issues of environmental justice. Prereq: 2300, RurlSoc 1500, or Sociol 1101. GE theme lived e ...

  4. Religion and Environmental Values in America

    ENR 3470 Examines development & influence of religious environmental values & their impact on environmental citizenship in America; Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist & Christian environmental perspectives; stewardship, eco-justice & creation spirit ...

  5. Psychology of Environmental Problems

    ENR 3400 The theory and psychology behind individual and group behavior as it relates to environmental problems. Prereq: 2300 or Psych 1100. GE theme sustainability course. Undergraduate 3.0 ENR3400sylau23.pdf ENR 3400 AU24.pdf Autumn 2025 Jeremy T. Brusk ...

  6. Wildland Fire Management Laboratory

    ENR 3335.02 Teaches wildland firefighter skills and safety, and provides familiarity with tools and apparatus. Meets S-130 requirements for wildland firefighter certification. One weekend field work required. Prereq or concur: 3335.01. Undergraduate 1.0 E ...

  7. Introduction to Wildland Fire Management

    ENR 3335.01 Wildland fire behavior, fire safety, control of wildland fires, and the use of prescribed fire in management objectives. Meets S-100 and S-190 requirements for wildland firefighter certification. Undergraduate 2.0 ENR 3335_01 Syllabus 2023.pdf ...

  8. Forest Ecosystems

    ENR 3322 Structure and function of temperate forest ecosystems; field-oriented study of the relationships among ecosystem components, and of the composition and successional dynamics of forest communities. One or more all-day field trips. Prereq or concur ...

  9. Biology and Identification of Woody Forest Plants

    ENR 3321 Field identification of trees, shrubs, and vines in temperate forest ecosystems; basic biological principles of morphology, reproduction, growth, genetics, and taxonomy of major woody species. Prereq: Not open to students with credit for 221. Und ...

  10. Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife

    ENR 3300 Ecological principles applied to integrated management of forest, fish, and wildlife resources; economic, policy, and administrative aspects of forestry, fisheries, and wildlife management. Prereq: 2100 (201). Not open to students with credit for ...
