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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. SENR Announcements, November 21

    SENR Announcements Highlights Add paragraph:  Copy:  Join SENR to congratulate Valeria and Egondu! Valeria Genara Moreira, a visiting scholar in the School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) was awarded first place winner for, “Fostering Soil Hea ...

  2. Join the Darke County 4-H Youth Development Program!

          WHAT IS 4-H? 4-H is the largest out of school youth organization in the United States with over 7 million youth members!  Extension Offices staff and are responsible for 4-H programs in every county and city.  Whether you live in a city, suburb or r ...

  3. Methods in Aquatic Ecology

    ENR 4345 Introduction to experimental designs, field and laboratory techniques, and statistical methods commonly used to study aquatic ecosystems. Prereq: for GE-L students is ENR 2100, for GE-N students ENR 2000, or permission of instructor. Not open to ...

  4. Meet the Team

    We understand what it takes to start and grow a business.  Our team has experience, expertise, and access to the services at The Ohio State University, as well as a wide network of relationships throughout Ohio’s food/agricultural community.   We use a te ...

  5. Landscape Ecology for Natural Resource Management

    ENR 5374 In this course, students will gain a practical working understanding of landscape ecology, with the goals of understanding how landscape processes operate at different scales, knowing how to assess spatial patterns and processes, and understandin ...

  6. Practical Skills for Terrestrial Ecosystem Restoration

    ENR 4800 This course develops practical skills in restoration ecology and gives the ability to implement restoration management plans. This includes invasive species control, planting native species, seed collection, soil seedbank assays, plant propagatio ...

  7. Exploring Sustainability: SUSTAINS LC Seminar

    ENR 1200 This seminar course is designed for SUSTAINS Learning Community students to explore their interests within sustainability, learn about opportunities to be involved in campus and local community sustainability efforts, and connect with campus part ...

  8. Environmental and Natural Resources Policy

    ENR 3200 This course covers topics such as the constitutional foundations of environmental policy, the role of congress and the executive branch in designing policy and bureaucratic agencies in implementing them, and the courts system as the final arbiter ...

  9. Backyard Maple Production: Learn to Make Maple Syrup at Home!

    Do you have maple trees in your yard? Want to know how to harvest maple sap and turn it into syrup? Join OSU Extension's Jim Downs and Jake Nicholson for an afternoon class on maple syrup production in your backyard.  ...

  10. 4-H Animal Projects

    Scroll Down For Each Specie Information     General Livestock Information 4-H Online Enrollment    2024 Non-Market (Breeding) Animal Lease Application - (was due May 15) Ohio 4-H Animal Sciences Website Project Enrollment for 4-H and FFA Members and Showi ...
