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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Licking County- Peach Cooking Demonstrations and Food Preservation


  2. Licking County- Pressure Canner Testing and Resources


  3. Licking County- Canning Basics


  4. Licking County- Canning Basics


  5. Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!

    Marestail... if you frequent farm stores you've heard people talking about how hard it is to kill. If you've been to a lawn and garden store, it's the one they call, "that bushy leafed weed that Roundup doesn't kill." ...

  6. Bird Flu; What is it? How to avoid it?

    The United States aims to remain free from Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (bird flu). This means all poultry owners need to be on alert, and protect their birds through proper biosecurity! ...

  7. Dairy Feeder, Lamb & Goat Jr. Fair Tag-in

    Tag-in for dairy feeder calves, market lambs and market goats being exihibited in the 2016 Fairfield County Junior Fair will be held at the Fairgrounds on Saturday, July 9 from 8 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. Please note the rules for tagging in these livestock, ...

  8. Deadline to Register for Mindful Extension- Fall Series

    MINDFUL EXTENSION- FALL SERIES Weekly sessions emphasizing bodily relaxation with soft background music AND discussion of mindful awareness of cognitive habits. Register to attend the 4-part Fall series! $60 per person. ...

  9. Poster Infomation

    Call for posters Theme "Foundation- Balance- Trust" Poster Submission Link Due by  Friday, August 12 Decision on the acceptance of your poster no later than  September 2 Deadline to submit final list of names and poster title  September 9 Resour ...

  10. Fairfield County- Let's Jam!

    A hands-on jam-making workshop- Participants will make strawberry jam and take home a jar! ...
