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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. About Maple

    The commercial production of maple products in North America occurs primarily in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. This is the geographic area of greatest abundance of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and black maple (Acer nigrum), the t ...

  2. Hops

    OSU Extension Hops Team Learn more about the Hops research being conducted and its impacts on Ohio's brewing industry. Visit the website! Staff Brad Bergefurd Extension Educator, Horticulture Specialist 740-289-2071 ext. 136 Email Brad Hops News Ohio ...

  3. Volunteer Recognition

    On Saturday, January 24, 2015, 8:00 am – 11:00 am Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens will honor our volunteers at a Pancake Breakfast served by Chris Cakes. This is a volunteer-only event with parking available at the Ohio 4-H Center. If you park a ...

  4. ServSafe Manager Test


  5. ServSafe Manager Training


  6. ServSafe Manager Training


  7. ServSafe Level 1 (Person-in-Charge)


  8. Farm Bill 2014

    OSU Extension's Agricultural and Natural Resources experts are working diligently to keep Ohioans apprised of the latest news and events regarding the 2014 Farm Bill legislation. The following links will help you navigate to the information you need. ...

  9. Sheep Team

    OSU Extension Sheep Team Our mission is t o improve the profitability, viability and sustainability of Ohio Sheep Producers through and educational process based on scientific information and identified need. Visit their website!   ...

  10. Holiday 2-for-1 Offer

    Once again, we are pleased to offer our Special Holiday 2-for-1 membership promotion. A donation of $40 or more entitles you to TWO annual memberships to Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens – a membership (or a one year extension) for yourself  and ...
