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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Horticulture Helpline

    Master Gradener Volunteers offer homeowners answers & advice for common landscape and garden questions.  Champaign County has a diverse group of Master Gardener Volunteers who have gone through training. Our group is available to answer questions duri ...

  2. How to Become a Master Gardener Volunteer

    The Master Gardener Volunteer Program trains volunteers for Ohio State University Extension in their county to help further the mission of engagement and outreach.  The OSU Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticu ...

  3. Livestock Project Resources

    The following information can be found on the Junior Fair Forms & Documents  page: Junior Fair Rules Market Steer Weigh-In Information Livestock Entry Forms Livestock Sale Information Livestock Quality Assurance Livestock Quality Assurance (QA) Certif ...

  4. Saddle & Sirloin hosts inaugural cattle show

    Olivia Spaight The Ohio State University’s Saddle and Sirloin Club rang in the new year in a big way, hosting their inaugural Saddle and Sirloin Spectacular cattle show on December 29-31 at Pickaway Agriculture and Event Center in Circleville. During the ...

  5. What is OSU Extension?

    Have you ever wondered just how Ohio State University Extension came to be? Perhaps you've been curious about what it is that OSU Extension does?  Check out this informative 3-minute video to learn about just  what  is it that we all do and  why  we ...

  6. Successful Co-Parenting

    What is Successful Co-Parenting?   Successful Co-Parenting is an educational program that helps parents minimize the negative effects of separation and divorce on children as they adjust to the process of parenting together while living apart.  It is offe ...

  7. Food Preservation & Safety

    Have you had your pressure canner tested?  The Champaign County office of Ohio State Extension provides testing of your presssure canner. Pressure canner testing is recommend every year, and provides you with the peace of mind of canning your goods safely ...

  8. Award recognizes CFAES partnership with Ohio sheep industry

    Sherrie R. Whaley Cathann Kress, vice president for agricultural administration and dean of The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES), was recently named a Friend of the Ohio Sheep Industry. The recognitio ...

  9. 4H Project Exploration

    The March 19 event will be held in Conference Room C of the Community Center.   Event Flyer ...

  10. Madi Layman fueled by love for agriculture

