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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Communities that Rock! NACDEP Conference coming to Cleveland!!!

    To borrow an old baseball phrase, "you’re on deck" means you are the next person to bat against the pitcher. As yet another reminder of the pace at which time passes, it does not seem all that long ago that Ohio was "on deck" to host t ...

  2. Summer Wildflower Walk

    Summer wildflowers provide color and beauty for people while providing food and habitat for wildlife. Master Gardener Volunteers will be guiding a walk around Lake Park to view some of our native Ohio wildflowers Thursday, July 27 at 6:30 pm. In conjuncti ...

  3. Ginseng Hunting & Cultivation

    Ohio State University Extension and Coshocton County Farm Bureau will be hosting an informational program on Ginseng Hunting and Cultivation on August 14. Speakers for the program include Chip Carroll, Sanctuary Steward at United Plant Savers Botanical Sa ...

  4. Drones: How to Scout for Weeds & Pests

    Unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, are a new technology with lots of unique uses for agriculture. Join OSU Extension on July 19 for an informational program about using drones to scout for weeds and pests. John Barker, OSU Extension Knox County, Pat Sny ...

  5. Sea Grant Rocks Cleveland

    The Cleveland Cavaliers weren’t the only thing bringing people to Cleveland in early June.  Ohio Sea Grant  hosted seven other Great Lakes Sea Grant Programs and the  National Sea Grant Program  during the 26th Great Lakes Sea Grant Network Meeting. Over ...

  6. BIG Skies, BOLD Partnerships

    Visiting with a colleague recently, she shared that these uncertain times in our workplace, in our communities, and in the larger world around us require that we ask ourselves what we really are about. For the past several days, nearly 350 practitioners, ...

  7. CD Wire- June 19, 2017

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update:-Greg Davis, Assistant Director CDS/NACDEP Conference 2017 Well, the 2017 conference is all but officially in the books and what ...

  8. 4-H Junior Leaders Fundraiser

    Please come to support the 4-H Junior Leadership Club! The 4-H Junior Leadership Club will take over Crowtown Pizza on Wednesday, June 21, from 5-8pm as a club fundraiser. A portion of the sales and all tips will go towards the 4-H Junior Leaders. ...

  9. Ohio Land Exchange teaching communities how to reuse abandoned land

    Workshop helps land bank leaders plot out new uses for vacant property For a recap of the May 25th Ohio Land Exchange Workshop and for more information about the program, click here. The workshop packet is available here. ...

  10. Kids Cooking Camp

    Local Foods Kids Cooking Day Camp OSU Extension and Local Bounty Coshocton are collaborating to offer the fifth annual Local Foods Kids Cooking Day Camp this summer. This year the format for the camp will change from that of years past. The single day, da ...
