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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Gillyade Correia Menino

    Gillyade Correia Menino PhD (Lopez-Nicora) Kottman Hall (Columbus) MS Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Instituto Agronomico, Brazil BS Agronomy, University Sao Paulo ESALQ, Brazil- Any- Journal article Book/book ch ...

  2. Lillian Ebeling Koning

    Lillian Ebeling Koning MS (Jacobs) BS Molecular Genetics, Ohio State- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  3. Bo Yi Lee

    Bo Yi Lee ENGIE Axium Sustainability Fellow, PhD (Jacobs) Kottman Hall (Columbus) MS Plant Pathology and Microbiology, National Taiwan University BS Plant Pathology and Microbiology, National Taiwan University- Any- Journal a ...

  4. Talia Collier

    Talia Collier CFAES Graduate Access Fellow, PhD (Wang) Kottman Hall (Columbus) BS Plant Science, University of Delaware- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  5. Preparing for the future: Hoisington siblings thrive in Ohio 4-H workforce prep event

    On July 31, Brin-Leigh and Djouby Hoisington participated in the Ohio 4-H Mock Job Interview event during Workforce Preparation Day at the Ohio State Fair. The siblings, both active Fairfield County 4-H members, showcased their preparation and poise as th ...

  6. Ohio 4-H is “Beyond Ready” for National 4-H Week

    Join us Oct. 7-12 as we celebrate National 4-H Week and recognize all the ways 4-H helps youth become “Beyond Ready” for life. ...

  7. Get Involved

    Get involved with 4-H today! Join a 4-H club. Contact your county Extension office to learn how to enroll your child in a 4-H club today. Ohio 4-H membership is based on a child's age and grade as of Jan. 1 of the current year. Cloverbud eligibility ...

  8. Dr. David Gardner

    Dr. David Gardner Professor- Turfgrass Science 50% Teaching | 25% Extension | 25% Research (614) 292-9002 Howlett Hall (240B) Columbus Campus PhD Turfgrass Science- University of Illinois (2000) MS Horticulture- Iowa State (1996) BS Ho ...

  9. Change Style Preference: Strengthening Your Capacity to Lead Self & Others

    What is your change style preference? Would you be an originator? A conserver? Or would you find yourself in the pragmatist category? Which category would my team members fall? Does it matter? Yes it does...knowing our tendencies and understanding their r ...

  10. State 4-H Horse Poster Contest

    Location: ...
