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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Pickleball tournaments registration has been extended

    Pickleball tournaments registration has been extended until Friday February 7 th. There are both singles and doubles tournaments. These tournaments are open to all BuckID holders and players can sign up to compete in both the singles and doubles tournamen ...

  2. LAST DAY for ATI apparel shop

    We will have an online store through BSN sports with Ohio State ATI apparel. Some mock ups are below. ATI is on the sleeves or sides of the caps. The team shop runs until midnight on Monday (2/3). The shop will close at 11:59:59pm on 2/3. https://bsnteams ...

  3. February 2- 8, 2025


  4. SENR’s Ambassador program

    In this SENR Q&A with Erin Baer, undergraduate recruitment and student engagement specialist learn all about the SENR Ambassador program and how to become involved.  ...

  5. 2025-03


  6. Box Tree Moth: What Should You Do?


  7. Taste of OSU FRIDAY

    A Taste of OSU is an evening of cultural performances on stage, exhibits and food from around the world provided by more than 40 different international clubs on the Columbus campus. ...

  8. Box Tree Moth: Detection


  9. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread


  10. Living Learning Communities feature

    Read more click to read the story about students and advisors of CFAES Living-Learning Communities Students find their way in CFAES communities ...
