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In Their Own Words, Why Students Love It Here
Feel free to share this video with anyone considering college programs for themselves or their children. ...
Market Steer/Heifer Weigh-in
Anyone planning to show a market steer or market heifer in the 2017 Fairfield County Junior Beef Show must have their animals weighed in, tagged, and nose printed this day. ...
Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House
Ohio Hop Growers Guild 2016 Hop Yard Open House Saturday July 23. Brewing? Growing? Thinking of Growing? Visit commercial Ohio hop yards and talk to the growers. Please give us a heads up that you're coming by clicking on the RSVp form on the Ohio H ...
Grazing Twi-Light Tour
Join us for a twi-light tour that will include a look at the Wolfinger's solar well pump, rotational grazing, and manure composting. There will also be a brief conversation about EQIP project funding and priorities. ...
The Secret Gardens of Bellbrook
Please join us for a day of exploration and discover six enchanting and diverse sites in our public parks with the Secret Gardens of Bellbrook. Learn about native plants, composting, garden design, succulents, reforestation and other gardening topics. The ...
January/February 2016
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Learn and practice some strategies to reduce stress based on mindfulness techniques. ...
Cooking with Herbs
Learn some tips to help you enjoy the flavor and health benefits of cooking with herbs. ...
Stress Management
Learn and practice strategies to reduce stress based on mindfulness techniques. ...
Cooking with Herbs
Learn some tips to ehlp you enjoy the flavor and health benefits of using herbs. ...