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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Canning Fruits & Tomatoes

    Come learn more about basic home food preservation of fruits and tomatoes using water bath canning. To register, call 740.653.5419 or email ...

  2. Introduction to Home Food Preservation

    Learn the benefits and costs of different types of food preservation. To register, call 740.653.5419 or email ...

  3. Botulism: What is it?

    Botulism is the name of a rare but serious foodbourne disease we get by consuming the toxin of bacteria Clostridium botulinium ...

  4. Listeria: What is it?

    Listeria monocytogenes is a bacterium found frequently in the environment. This bacterium can cause the serious foodborne illness “listeriosis.” ...

  5. Tag-In/Weigh-Ins for Mkt Lambs, Mkt Goats & Dairy Feeders


  6. News


  7. Ohio State Fair Scholarship Applications Due

    Ohio State Fair Scholarships are due this day.  See state fair website for additional information. ...

  8. Required Child Abuse Training for Advisors, Master Garders & Master Clothing Educators

    Advisors, Master Gardners and Master Clothing Educators are required to attend ONE session of child abuse training per year per The Ohio State University.  There are two dates we are offering this training:  Monday May 4th and Tuesday May 26th The trainin ...

  9. Required Child Abuse Training for Advisors, Master Garders & Master Clothing Educators

    Advisors, Master Gardners and Master Clothing Educators are required to attend ONE session of child abuse training per year per The Ohio State University.  There are two dates we are offering this training in 2015: Monday, May 4th and Tuesday, May 26th. T ...

  10. Ohio Make It With Wool Open House

    Come to the Ohio Make It With Wool Open House! During the Open House, enjoy: Make-It/Take-It Wool Project Slide show and refreshments Wool Fabrics FOR SALE Come early for best selection!   ...
