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Tree Tour and Talks
The Miami County Master Gardeners present a walking tour of Miami County's "Barboretum" and featured speakers include Fred Hower, "The Ohio Nurseryman". Registration information can be found here. ...
Verbiage to ensure a landowner hosting an OSU program is insured
Please see below for verbiage that can be put on OSU letterhead that insures a landowner for hosting an OSU program. Note that the letter should be signed before the program date. This can be used for any landowner. Municipalities should have their own in ...
2015 Field Crops Day
Program is free and open to the public. Pesticide Re-certification and CCA credits are available. Program includes: •Management of Soil Borne Diseases in Ohio •Results of Nine Year P and K Fertilization Study •Drought Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What Is the F ...
“Dinner on the Farm” Picnic /Scholarship Fund Raiser
If you are looking for an enjoyable evening filled with great food, entertainment and fantastic view of the area north of Xenia plan to attend the Saturday June 27 Farm Forum Picnic/Scholarship Fund Raiser “Dinner on the Farm” starting at 6 p.m. The eve ...
Danger! Food Safety Clinic
Nutrition Clinic Flyer ...
Rocket FUN Match
Rocket FUN Match Flyer ...
Central State University Contact
Any educator contacted by representatives of Central State University needs to refer them to Ken Martin. These contacts can include requests for information, requests to serve on advisory committees/councils, requests to plan and conduct programs, etc. Th ...
Journal Information
A note from Andy Londo: Publishing in peer reviewed outlets benefits all of us, and is a requirement for those in faculty positions. It not only provides peer review validation for the quality of your work, but increases the body of knowledge in your subj ...
Butler County Local Foods
The growing impact of local foods is something we hear about every week. The local food revolution, locavore, farm to table, and know your farmer know your food, are just some of the phrases used to describe a conscious desire on the part of people to ge ...
Diagnostic Workshop for Master Gardener Volunteers
Diagnostic Workshop Flyer ...