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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 4-H Council Meeting

    The 4-H Council meeting will be held in the Boardroom underneath the grandstand. ...

  2. Allen County Advisor Recognition Dinner

    The Advisor Recognition Dinner will be held in the Youth Activities Building on the north end of the fairgrounds. ...

  3. Camp Counselor Interviews

    Camp Counselor Interviews will be held in the Youth Activities Building on the North end of the Fair Grounds ...

  4. Nutrient Management Plan Development Program

    Click below for information on the Nutrient Management Plan Development Program News Release County Flier Comprehensive Dates Request for Service Form Brochure ...

  5. Market Steer Weigh In


  6. Stream Morphology

    This presentation was recorded during the 2009 Ohio Watershed Academy. Dan Mecklenberg, Ecological Engineer with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Soil and Water Resources explains the basic concepts of stream morphology (short for geom ...

  7. A Case Study: Applying the Four Keys to Effective Education and Outreach Plan

    This presentation was developed by Joe Bonnell as part of the Ohio Watershed Academy module, "Education and Outreach Plans: Moving from Awareness to Action". This second presentation reviews a case study where the four keys were applied to promo ...

  8. Four Keys to Effective Education and Outreach Plans

    This presentation was developed by Joe Bonnell as part of the Ohio Watershed Academy module,?Education and Outreach Plans: Moving from Awareness to Action?. This first presentation offers four keys for developing more effective education and outreach plan ...

  9. Volunteer Stream Monitoring

    What is it? The state of Ohio determined that in order to effectively restore, protect, and enhance water quality in Ohio, managing agencies should collect as much scientific data and knowledge possible about waterway conditions throughout the state. Volu ...

  10. Conservation Easements

    A conservation easement is a legal agreement between a landowner and public or private entity, such as a land trust, or a government agency.  An easement places a limit on how the land can be used in the future.  For example, it may require that landowner ...
