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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Mandatory Pre-Fair Weigh-In/Registration For Feeders, Market Goats, & Market Sheep


  2. Transportation

    Transportation From the Airport-  Uber or Lyft: On-demand transportation accessible by mobile applications- Taxi Cab: 614-444-4444-  COTA Airconnect (Central Ohio Transit Authority) now serves the Airport and Downtown Columbus area, including the NUEL hos ...

  3. 4-H Grilling and Beyond: WeGrill

    WeGrill is a program that builds up relationships within families and communities around grilling. This blog post showcases an instance in Canton, Ohio. Read the post here.  ...

  4. Columbus City Tour

         Columbus City Tour, 26 May 2016 Agenda 8:30 am- Depart North Market 8:45 am- Arrive at Franklinton Gardens, discuss urban agriculture and Master Urban Farmer 9:15 am- Depart Franklinton Gardens 9:30 am- Arrive at Highland Youth Garden, discuss nutrit ...

  5. Junior Fair Board Work Day


  6. Junior Fair Board Work Day


  7. links

    NUEL PILD ...

  8. Steering Committee Meeting

        National Urban Extension Leaders Steering Committee Meetings Columbus OH As part of the National Urban Extension Leaders (NUEL) bi-annual meeting in Columbus, May 2016, the 17-member Steering Committee will meet at the beginning and end of the meeting ...

  9. Webinar on Latino Demographic Patterns in the US

    There is a seminar on May 4th at 1PM on the demographic patterns on Latinos in the United States. This is a great opportunity as Ohio continues to be a top destination for the Latino population. More information here. ...

  10. Immigrants and Refugees- A Gain for Ohio

    The immigrant population in Ohio has been continually growing in the urban areas throughout the state. This blog post looks at ways that Extension can positively impact the lives of those who are new to our state. Full article here. ...
