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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Soil Testing Kits: Pay Online Available

    We're happy to share that you're able to order and pay online for soil test kits. Soil testing is an inexpensive way to gather helpful information that will help you maintain good plant health in lawns and landscapes, and maximize vegetable and ...

  2. Meatless Meals and More: All About Plant-based Eating

    Join Extension Educator and Registered Dietitian Jenny Lobb to learn about different types of plant-based diets and how to get started with plant-based eating. This program is free; however, registration is required. Please register at ...

  3. CARTEENS Class

    Check-in is from 6p.m until 6:30 p.m. Class starts promptly at 6:30 p.m. Those that arrive late will be counted as absent and will not receive any court attendance credit. Participants must register online. Court personnel do not do this for you. All part ...

  4. RESTART Ohio: Back to Healthy

    Family and Consumer Sciences Educators are teaming up across Ohio to provide a virtual summer learning series titled RESTART Ohio: Back to Healthy. The series will focus on a variety of health and wellness related topics and provide an opportunity for Ohi ...

  5. Wellness Wednesdays

    Join OSU Extension Educator Jenny Lobb for a wellness webinar the first Wednesday of each month at 11:00 A.M.   Sessions August 5 – Digital Detoxing September 2 – Nutrition for the Whole Family  October 7 – Smart Eating for Healthy Aging  November 4 – No ...

  6. Home Design 4-H SPIN Club

    Join us via Zoom for a 4-H SPIN Club that will introduce you to home decorating! This six-meeting club will focus on establishing your style, design basics, decorating on a budget, hot trends,completing and sharing a project that you create and more. This ...

  7. Winter Gardening

    Join Dr. Tim McDermott, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, for an informative gardening series presented by the CFAES Alumni Society Board. Register by clicking the name of the session(s) you're interested in attending.  WHEN:  Thursdays at ...

  8. End of Season Gardening

    Join Dr. Tim McDermott, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, for an informative gardening series presented by the CFAES Alumni Society Board. Register by clicking the name of the session(s) you're interested in attending.  WHEN:  Thursdays at ...

  9. Planting the Fall Garden

    Join Dr. Tim McDermott, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator, for an informative gardening series presented by the CFAES Alumni Society Board. Register by clicking the name of the session(s) you're interested in attending.  WHEN: Thursdays at 1 ...

  10. Planting the Fall Victory Garden Webinar

    Learn how to plan and plant the fall vegetable garden which will provide you with vegetables through the fall and into winterw with Lori Overmyer, Franklin County Master Gardener Volunteer. WHEN: Tuesday, August 18, 2020 at 7PM WHERE: Zoom ...
