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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Farm Program Choices & Decisions

    Participants will get a comprehensive look at the new Farm Program being offered grain producers and land owners through Farm Service Agency. ...

  2. Lunch & Learn: Winter Bird Feeding

    Featuring our friends from Alley Park and a conversation about winter bird feeding. ...

  3. Private Pesticide Applicator Recertification

    This session will accomodate ALL categories for Private Pesticide Recertification. A separate session will be scheduled for later in February or March for those wishing to also acquire the newly created Fertilizer Applicators Certification. You can regist ...

  4. Ohio Beef Cattle School, session #2

    Hold these dates and make plans to participate in the  2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School series that began on January 27, 2015 and continues on the Tuesdays of February 10, and February 24. Find more details for each session linked here. ...

  5. Ohio Beef Cattle School

    Hold these dates and make plans to participate in the  2015 Ohio Beef Cattle School series beginning on January 27, 2015 and continuing on the Tuesdays of February 10, and February 24. Find more details for each session linked here. ...

  6. Is it Illegal to Move Firewood out of Butler County?

    The weather has turned colder and many of us are looking for firewood to help heat our homes.  The question has been asked multiple times, is it illegal to move firewood out of Butler County?  The answer is yes. In an effort to protect the trees of Ohio f ...

  7. 2015 Farm Outlook Meeting

    Flyer ...

  8. Ohio Hops Conference & Trade Show

    Flyer ...

  9. Caring For Your Christmas Cactus

    Many families have a specimen Christmas cactus plant that is many years old.  If you have such a family heirloom, it is easy to pass starts along to other members of your family. Just break off a segment, let it dry for a few days, and then place it in ba ...

  10. Agricultural Outlook Meeting

    This program will feature discussion on land rent, land values, the grain markets, and the Farm Program. ...
