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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Peach farm wins big in dicamba case against Monsanto and BASF

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  2. Solar Leasing Workshop

    OSUE Associate Professors Peggy Kirk Hall and Eric Romich will share information and resources on solar leases:  what a lease should include, considerations for long term leases, limitations by entering a lease and costs/income associated with entering in ...

  3. Solar Leasing Workshop

    OSUE Associate Professors Peggy Kirk Hall and Eric Romich will share information and resources on solar leases:  what a lease should include, considerations for long term leases, limitations by entering a lease and costs/income associated with entering in ...

  4. Overholt Drainage School

    The 2020 edition of the Overholt Drainage School will be hosted in the Fairfield County Ag Center on March 9th through March 12th. ...

  5. Darke County 4-H T-Shirt Design Contest

    The Darke County 4-H Committee is sponsoring a t-shirt designing contest for Darke County 4-H members in grades 5-12.  The design must be based on the theme, '4-H is...'  All designs must contain the words 'Darke County 4-H'.  Complete ...

  6. Dicamba Certification Training plus ARC/PLC Choice Program

    BASF representative Betsy Cremeans will join us to conduct a Dicamba Certification Training for dicamba tolerant crops. This will be followed by the opportunity to review the Farm Bill, and specifically go over the ARC/PLC choices. ...

  7. Downward trend for ag-gag laws continues

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  8. Is the third time the charm for Farmer Fair Practice Rules?

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  9. Join Darke County 4-H!

    The April 1st deadline to join Darke County 4-H is rapidly approaching!  4-H is Ohio State University Extension’s non-formal, educational program for youth.  Ohio 4-H membership is based on a child's age and grade as of January 1 of the current proje ...

  10. Is this the final word on WOTUS, or is the rule just being kicked downstream?

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