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Volume 9 Issue 4
Teens Awards Kick-off Night
Reservations are required no later than Wednesday, December 3rd by 4:30 pm, call 740-474-7534 ...
Volume 9 Issue 3
FST Fall Semester Graduation Party
Please join us for cake in the Parker Food Science lobby as we gather to recognize our fall semester graduates and acknowledge other notable accomplishments of the semester. All are welcome to attend. ...
Volume 9 Issue 2
Junior Fair Steer Weigh-In
4-H and FFA members/parents must bring the steer calves to the weigh-in to be eligible to show the steer(s) at the Pickaway County Fair in 2015. This weigh in is mandatory. ...
4-H Volunteer Application Information
The 2015 4-H Volunteer Application is ready for any interested party. Following is a list of files. You need to click on each one and print all of them for your information. VOLUNTEER APPLICATION INFORMATION Volunteer Cover Letter 2015 Volunteer Finge ...
OSUE Annual Conference- Pickaway County Office Closed
Our Annual Conference provides an opportunity for all Extension professionals to: Share and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to ...
FST Fall Semester Seminar
Please plan to attend a joint seminar presentation by Institute of Food Safety and Health (IFSH) Director Robert Brackett and Associate Director Jason Wan on Thursday November 20th 10-11 AM Parker 114. The presentation will provide an overview about the ...
Dr. Pepper Snapple
Dr. Pepper Snapple will be here for an industry information session on Thursday, November 6th. Come and learn about the company and what internship and job opportunities might be available. Dinner will be served starting at 5:00 pm and the information ses ...