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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 2016 Turkey Poult Orders deadline

    2016 Turkey Poult order deadline 12/13/15 Orders can be placed by contacting a member of the Turket Committee or by placing your order on 12/13/15 6-7 p.m. at the Sales office on the Fairgrounds The cost: $8.00 per poult   ...

  2. 4-H Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition Dinenr

    The 4-H Volunteer Appreciation and Recognitiion Dinner RSVP's due 11/2/15 If you have any questions, please contact the OSU Extension office ...

  3. Webinar Focuses on Funding Long-Term Care for Farm Families

    COLUMBUS, Ohio – The rising costs of nursing home care may impact farm families harder than others due to farm assets that may limit or prevent a family member from qualifying for Medicaid, according to by an agricultural law expert with the College of Fo ...

  4. Farm Law Workshop Series

    OSU Extension's Peggy Kirk Hall and Robert Moore of law firm Wright & Moore Co. LPA will partner to offer a Farm Law Workshop Series this March.  The three-night series will include the following sessions: March 11-- Planning for the Future of Yo ...

  5. Fruit Tree Pruning Clinic

    Learn how to prune fruit trees, (apples, peaches), as well as blueberries and brambles. The class will be held rain or shine. Dress warm for outdoor activities (rugged shoes or boots). Bring a lawn chair if you would like a seat. We will have home fruit p ...

  6. Legal Sessions at Ohio Small Farm Conferences this March

    OSU's Small Farm Conferences will again include legal sessions this year.  At the "Opening Doors to Success" Small Farm Conference in Wilmington, Ohio on March 13--14, 2015, OSU's Peggy Kirk Hall will present two sessions: Using “Free” ...

  7. OSU Offers 2015 Farmland Leasing Workshops

    COLUMBUS, Ohio- As farmers and landowners consider options to include in new or renewed land leases, understanding how to use data in negotiations and how to apply legal information to leasing practices could help make the process easier for both sides, e ...

  8. Announcing the Ohio Food, Agriculture & Environmental Law Webinar Series

    OSU’s Agricultural & Resource Law Program is pleased to announce its Ohio Food, Agriculture and Environmental Law Webinar Series, offering monthly legal webinars on issues of importance to Ohio agriculture.  The webinars will feature national and stat ...

  9. Palmer Amaranth: A NEW Threat to Crop Production

    A Special Lunch & Learn Program Palmer Amaranth has been found in Mahoning County! Join us to learn control options- Featured Speaker:  Dr. Mark Loux, OSU Extension, Weed Scientist   Management starts now! This weed produces 100,000-500,000 seeds per ...

  10. Ag Attorney Sheds Light on Manure Handling, Application Regulations

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Although the Lake Erie algae problems that contaminated Toledo’s water supply in early August have subsided, the crisis raised questions about animal manure application on farmland in Ohio and how it may have contributed to the problem. I ...
