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Sheep Skillathon
All 4-H & FFA members must attend a skillathon in order to show their sheep at the Champaign County Fair. Sheep Skillathon Assignments ...
Dairy Cow/Heifer & Dairy Feeder/Steer Skillathon
All 4-H & FFA members must attend a skillathon in order to show their cow/feeder at the Champaign County Fair. Dairy Cow/Heifer Skillathon Assignments Dairy Feeder/Steer Skillathon Assignments ...
Horse Skillathon
All 4-H & FFA members must attend a skillathon in order to show their horse at the Champaign County Fair. Horse Skillathon Assignments ...
Poultry Skillathon
All 4-H & FFA members must attend a skillathon in order to show their birds at the Champaign County Fair. Poultry Skillathon Assignments ...
CFAES Peer Mentors
Congratulations to these FST students who been selected to serve as CFAES Peer Mentors for 2013-2014: Elana Berusch, Olivia Geoghegan, Amber Hodge, Meredith Myers, Kendra Spofford, Rachel Townsley, and Samantha Ward. ...
Dr. Dennis Heldman Receives Carl R. Fellers Achievement Award
Congratulations to Professor Denny Heldman who is this year’s winner of the Institute of Food Technologists Carl R. Fellers Achievement Award. He will be honored at the Chicago IFT meeting this June 2013. This award honors a member of IFT and Phi Tau Sigm ...
Cloverbud Counselor Meeting
Cloverbud Counselor Meeting
Cloverbud Counselor Meeting
CFAES Continues to produce employable graduates
At the recent CFAES Career Expo, the employers were optimistic about finding recent grads for employment at their company. ...