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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 2018 CFAES I-Corps@Ohio team successful in competitions

    Submitted by Shauna Brummet, Congratulations to the three 2018 CFAES I-Corps@Ohio teams on their successful completion of this highly competitive program to explore the market pull for the Discoveries made in their research programs.  I ...

  2. ATI recruitment publication wins award

    Submitted by Frances Whited, In June during the National Agricultural Alumni and Development Association (NAADA) national conference hosted by the University of Idaho, the "Ohio State ATI Pennant" brochure was named the ...

  3. East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference

    Save the date! 2019 East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference Friday, March 22, 2019 R.G. Drage Career Center, Massillon, Ohio Look for further details later in the fall! ...

  4. CFAES documents approved by Office of Academic Affairs

    Submitted by Kris Boone, CFAES Patterns of Administration (POA) and Appointments, Promotions and Tenure (APT) documents have received final approval and are posted on the Office of Academic Affairs website. ...

  5. Support the fight against cancer

    Submitted by Jeanne Osborne, You've seen the message from Dean Kress about Pelotonia- the bike ride to raise money to fight cancer- and Team Buckeye- CFAES Sustains Life; and maybe you have wondered, 'how can I get involved?&# ...

  6. Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--Hiring of foreign agricultural workers is webinar topic for July 25, 2018

    Blog Subscriptions ...

  7. Tomorrow, July 19, is last day to RSVP for Employee Appreciation Picnic

    Tomorrow, July 19, is the last day to RSVP for the Employee Appreciation Picnic at Hawk's Nest on july 26! For all Ohio State ATI employees and their immediate families. Plan for a day of golf, fishing, food and fun! RSVP at! ...

  8. July 18, 2018


  9. Hiring of Foreign Agricultural Workers Webinar

    The next topic in the Agricultural & Food Law Consortium’s webinar series on July 25, 2018 is “Compliance with DOL and Immigration Laws and Regulations for Agricultural Businesses” featuring attorney Misty Wilson Borkowski of Cross, Gunter, Witherspoo ...

  10. Hiring of foreign agricultural workers webinar

    The next topic in the Agricultural & Food Law Consortium’s webinar series on July 25, 2018 is “Compliance with DOL and Immigration Laws and Regulations for Agricultural Businesses” featuring attorney Misty Wilson Borkowski of Cross, Gunter, Witherspoo ...
