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2015 4-H Back to School Drive and Happy Feet Community Service Projects
The 4-H Advisory Committee is sponsoring a 4-H Back to School drive to help support our communities. Wayne County 4-H clubs are encouraged to participate in this by collecting school supplies (markers, compasses, colored pencils, wide rule loose leaf pape ...
Important Message for 4-H Clubs from Sheriff Travis Hutchison and the Medway Drug Task Force
4-H Members Be On The Lookout For Suspicious Items When Conducting Roadside Litter Pick Ups Recently there have been several meth labs and dealers busted in Wayne County. Some 4-H clubs conduct adopt a road or other roadside clean up efforts, please be c ...
Helpful Information for 2015 4-H Poultry Skillathon
Since the poultry resource handbook is not available until Fall 2015, we have made available the old project books on our website at You will also find on the last page of the newsletter a page Ohio 4-H has created with helpful ...
Horse Tack Swap
A Tack Swap will be held at the Hollow at the Wayne County Saddle Club, 4200 Overton Rd. Wooster on Memorial Day from 12 noon—4:00 pm. Spots are available, contact Rich Gortner to reserve a spot at 330-466-1171. Please note: this event is open to 4-H me ...
2015 4-H Bikes for Kids Community Service Project
The Wayne County 4-H Advisory Committee is continuing the “Bikes for Kids” service project and is encouraging all clubs to take part. This past year we built and donated 54 bikes to the Wayne County Children’s Services, Salvation Army, and People to Peo ...
The Link: Wayne County 4-H Newsletter- May 2015
Dear 4-H Volunteer: Welcome to the newcomers on this 4-H newsletter mailing list. All the new and returning volunteers receive the monthly "Link," as well as committee members and Ag Education teachers. Important information for you and your c ...
2015 Cloverbud Day Camp- COSI Adventure Bus Trip
Download the complete Cloverbud COSI Bus Trip Packet which includes the general information flyer, registration form, health form, and permission to transport form. Calling all Cloverbuds….are you ready for some fun? This year’s Cloverbud Day Camp is goi ...
4-H Clubs are Invited to Sponsor Recycling Containers at the Wayne County Fair
For the past five years the Wayne County Fair has been increasing its recycling efforts. This year 4-H clubs are being invited to join in the effort by sponsoring a Recycling Container. There are 3 choices for types of containers. Clubs that choose to ...
Extension Visioning Conversation Northwest Region
Thinking and talking about the future helps prepare us for the possibilities we may encounter. Bruce McPheron, Vice President and Dean of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences has begun a conversation about what OSU Extension might ...
Final date to apply for Hancock 4-H Summer Program Assistant
The summer assistant works with promoting events, assisting with judging events, managing Jr Camp registrations, and much more. This position is for 36-hours per week and will begin June 1 for 12 weeks. For more information contact Cassie Turner. To app ...