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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. ChickQuest Fall 2016

    ChickQuest: A Classroom Journey through the Life Cycle of Chickens, is a curriculum that challenges students to use science, engineering, and technology to investigate the life cycle of an embryonic chicken egg. Whether monitoring living eggs or observing ...

  2. Pressure Canner Testing

    OSU Extension, Franklin County is offering pressure canner testing by appointment on Thurs Aug. 11 and Fri, Aug. 12. Cost is $5 per led tested. Please call 614-866-6900 to make an appointment. ...

  3. Ask a Master Gardener booth

    Our Master Gardener Volunteers will be on-hand Aug. 13 and Aug. 14 at COSI's Farm Days to answer all your gardening, lawn, and other horticulture questions at their "Ask  a Master Gardener" booth. Click here for more information about COSI& ...

  4. School Garden Tour: Granville High School

    When the Granville Schools Sustainability Project started almost 10 years ago, its goals were simple: to develop and maintain a sustainable garden to help students appreciate the “bounty” of their food and to take into account the land, resources, and lab ...

  5. Now offering online Level 2 Food Safety Training and proctored exam

    Don’t have the time to sit through a Level 2 Food Safety Training? Can’t find one near you before March? We have the solution! The Ohio Department of Health is now requiring all Food Service facilities licensed at a Risk Level 2 or higher to have at least ...

  6. Grow your Knowledge with Project Green Teacher

    This fall join educators, afterschool personnel, and others interested in learning more about gardening as a context for learning in our 10-week Project Green Teacher school gardening educational series. From learning the basics of starting a school garde ...

  7. Franklin County SNAP-Ed highlighted in INSPIRE

    Last month OSU Extension, Franklin County and two of our SNAP-Ed (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education) program assistants, Lindsay Blum and Brooke Moeller, were featured in The Ohio State University's college of Education and Human Ec ...

  8. Tomato Canning Workshop

    Join us for a hands-on workshop to learn how to safely can tomatoes, presented by OSU Extension, Franklin County Family and Consumer Sciences educators. Each participant even will take a jar of freshly canned tomatoes home!  The workshop will be held at C ...

  9. Dining with Diabetes

    Dining with Diabetes is a free cooking school and nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their family members, friend, or caregiver. In a series of three classes, participants will learn how to incorporate good, healthy cooking  ...

  10. Registration Deadline for Project Green Teacher

    Change your life and change the lives of the youth in your care through gardening. This three day series will increase your knowledge base, introduce you to resource personnel, offer networking opportunities, and increase your confidence as a garden educa ...
