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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. CD Unit Quarterly Meeting

    Professional development sessions and administrative update for OSUE CD professionals. Held at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, Eastman Room. ...

  2. test


  3. CD Weekly Wire- November 25, 2013

    AD Update: Planning for the December 3 Unit Meeting It is hard to believe we are just a few short days away from the Thanksgiving break. Add in our December 3 unit meeting and Extension Annual Conference at the Ohio Union on December 4 and we’ll be pushin ...

  4. CD Weekly Wire- November 4, 2013

    AD Update: Care and Nurturing of a High-Performing Team It’s been nearly three weeks since we met in Cleveland for our Fall CD Retreat and I am still reflecting on the experience. A quick review of the post-program evaluation data reinforces my personal a ...

  5. Urban Agriculture

    Urban Food and Agriculture Farming in the city? Who does that? Where could you even do that? These are great questions that many in the public are asking. Interestingly today, there are some surprising answers and real-life examples out there. Across Ohio ...

  6. Agencies and Organizations

    Many organizations support the work of the Ohio Direct Marketing Team. Ohio State University, Extension and OARDC provide team leadership from the OSU South Centers, which is part of the OSU Colleage of Food, Agricultural and Enviromental Sciences. Addito ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- October 28, 2013

    AD Update: Extension CD and the West Side Market Throughout much of 2013, the north central CD program leaders have focused conversations on how we might better meet programming needs in the region. Collaborating across state lines, cost recovery practice ...

  8. Cooperative Development

    Cooperative Development Marketing Many producers work together on market development. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center at the OSU South Centers, provides guidance and resources for prodcuers exploring and developing cooperatives. ...

  9. Community Development

    Community Development Advancing direct marketing in Ohio involves a variety of facilitators and community leaders.  The Direct Marketing team provides resources to support those who provide leadership and assistance to connect consumers, producers, market ...

  10. Team Academic Resources

    Making Your Job Easier Welcome to the reference for educators and researchers. Some of these resources are available to anyone visiting the website. Others are available only to team members. All of these resources are intended to help make your job easie ...
