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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Promotional Pieces

    Posters: Please print these posters and share in your classroom and offices. All posters have the same information for the September 26 visit day, but there are three different themes for our three majors. Agricultural Communication Agriscience Education ...

  2. The New Dietary Guidelines for Americans Summit

    Assembled by the Food Innovation Center at The Ohio State University. The Blackwell Inn & Conference Center ...

  3. Seminar: Brandon Neel

    Temporal transitions of troponin t isoforms during muscle development in poultry ...

  4. Grazing Basics: How Grazing Can Work for You

    Grazing Basics is designed for those new to grazing livestock, as well as offer more in depth information to the more experienced grazier. ...

  5. Seminars: Kathleen Cole, Ashlee Dietz

    Bacterial Counts in Composted and Fresh Recycled Dairy Manure Bedding; Effects of Cu, Zn and Mn on bovine neutrophil function ...

  6. OARDC Employee Appreciation Night


  7. Last day for abstracts: Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum

    Abstracts will be accepted from 1 October until 1 November, 2014. ...

  8. Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum 2015

    Abstracts will be accepted from 1 October until 1 November, 2014. ...

  9. Seminar: Matt Faulkner

    The effects of increased dietary sulfur concentrations from distillers grains on copper status in cattle ...

  10. Seminar: Chidozie Agu

    evelopment of a high-throughput butanol assay: Using alcohol dehydrogenase-coupled oxidation of nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) to formazan ...
