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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. PAS Entries Due

    Youth who would like to qualify for Jr Horse Show at the Ohio State Fair must register for participation in regional Performance Against Standards (PAS) horse events.   ...

  2. 4-H Clothing Project Community Service Day


  3. Cloverbud Day Camp Registration Due

    4-H Cloverbud Day Camp will be held June 15, 2017 from 9 am- 2 pm at the Hancock County Agricultural Service Center, 7868 CR 140 Findlay OH This program is limited to 60 participants with registrations accepted on a first come, first served basis. Fee is ...

  4. Quality Assurance & Good Sportsmanship Training- Hancock

    Quality Assurance training must be attended by all youth livestock exhibitors. Providing proper care of livestock is very important for members with animal projects. Quality Assurance sessions teach good production principles, safety, animal welfare, and ...

  5. Coffee with the Master Gardeners

    Good Bugs vs. Bad Bugs For more information and to register, click HERE What kind of bugs do you have in your garden? Join the Master Gardener Volunteers to learn which bugs are helpful, and which are not! Speakers: Stephanie Hughes and Peg Zeleznik, Maho ...

  6. Coffee with the Master Gardeners

    Gardening Ideas for Children A garden is a place full of learning, and is a great avenue for children to get creative and learn all about plants and other organisms that live in the garden. Come enjoy some coffee and learn about gardening with children wi ...

  7. Youth Poultry Clinic

    There is a poultry clinic scheduled for April 27 from 6-7:30pm at the OSU Extension Office. ...

  8. 2017 Letter from Nicole and Showorks Instructions

    Showorks will be active starting May 1, 2017 for members to make livestock entries.  Nicole has included a letter to our families about the upcoming fair and instructions for Showorks entries.  All entries  must  be submitted on Showorks by  JUNE 15, 2017 ...

  9. 4-H News and Notes: April 17, 2017

    Dear 4-H Members, Parents, and Advisors. Please read through the entire message below to be aware of important upcoming events and programs. Sewing Pattern and Fabric Selection Nights  - Tonight and April 24th! For any 4-H member taking a sewing project i ...

  10. Grape Black Rot Control

              Every year I get calls into the Extension office from grape growers wondering what happened to their promising grape crop.  The conversation generally goes something like: “I had a great looking grape crop and then some of the grapes started to ...
