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  1. MarketView...US. Dairy Outlook Brief 2010

    Dr. Cameron Thraen, Milk Marketing Specialist, The Ohio State University In the last installment of Buckeye Dairy News (BDN), I discussed the ebb and flow of the U.S. dairy herd. To recap, I showed a chart with the growth and decline of the number of dair ...

  2. Molds and Mycotoxins

    Dr. Bill Weiss, Dairy Nutrition Specialist, The Ohio State University Because of weather conditions during the past growing season, mold and mycotoxin contamination of some crops, particularly corn, is common.  Molds are organisms and mycotoxins are chemi ...

  3. Income Tax Planning…Critical for 2009???

    Ms. Dianne Shoemaker, Extension Dairy Specialist, Ohio State University Extension (top of page) pdf file Most dairy producers are glad to see this year come to a close and are looking forward to better conditions in 2010.   Even though many farm families ...

  4. 2009 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest – Even Larger Than Last Year’s Contest

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University The 2009 Ohio Dairy Challenge was held November 12-13 and was again sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition. The Dairy Challenge provides the opportunity for undergraduates at Ohio ...

  5. Bonnie's "Buckeye Moos" Update

    Ms. Bonnie Ayars, Extension Dairy Program Specialist, Ohio State University Extension As the end of the year approaches, I have spent time preparing a 2010 calendar for 4-H dairy activities.  It is posted on the web page.  There is als ...

  6. Reviewing Nutrient Costs: 2009 vs. 2008 vs. 2007 Harvest Years

    Dr. Joanne Knapp, Principal Technical Consultant, Fox Hollow Consulting, Columbus, OH (top of page) pdf file The cost of providing NE l Net Energy of Lactation) in dairy rations this harvest year is closely paralleling the 2008-2009 crop year and is subst ...

  7. MarketView...U.S. Dairy Outlook Brief March 2010

    Dr. Cameron Thraen, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University The MarketView installment of Buckeye Dairy News, December 2009, discussed the relationship between the annualized rate of change in U.S. milk production and the level of the Class ...

  8. Milk Production for Ohio Dairy Herds

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, The Ohio State University It is always important to monitor the yield of milk and the composition of milk, especially for the individual farmer, because the income of the dairy farm depends on this source ...

  9. Bovine Calving Management: Impact of Dystocia on Dairy Calves and Cows

    Dr. Gustavo Schuenemann, Extension Veterinarian, Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The Ohio State University   Dystocia is defined as an abnormal or difficult birth at any stage of labor. Dystocia has a direct negative impact on calves (e.g., prolonged hypo ...

  10. Bovine Calving Management Training: Dystocia and Calf Care

    Dr. Gustavo M. Schuenemann, Extension Veterinarian, Veterinary Preventive Medicine, The Ohio State University This bovine calving management course available from Veterinary Extension within the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine offers educatio ...
