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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Friends of Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Spring Plant Pre-Sale & Auction

    Friends of Chadwick Arboretum Pre-Sale is Thursday, May 8, 5:30-8:30 p.m.; The auction at 6 p.m. This exclusive event is open to the Friends of Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens, in advance of the remainder of the weekend plant sale at the northwe ...

  2. Oil & Gas Law Library Updated with Recent Cases

    The case law section of the Oil & Gas Law Library has been updated with recent court cases and brief descriptions of what happened. You can find it here. ...

  3. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    About 180 people met for a hearty lunch and heartfelt appreciation as The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences presented its 2014 Alumni Awards at the Ohio Union on March 1. Thirteen recipients were joined by fri ...

  4. OSU Ag & Resource Law Program to Share Shale Leasing Information

    OSU Ag & Resource Law Program's Peggy Hall and Clif Little of OSU Extension will speak on shale development leasing issues in Charleston, West Virginia on May 29.  Information about the program is available here. ...

  5. Junior Leadership Meeting


  6. Campus Campaign 2014 Wrap-Up

    Thanks to all who gave during Campus Campaign 2014. As members of the college, you have made valuable donations-- no matter the amount-- that acknowledge our mission and demonstrate a commitment to success.  And a special thank you to the 171 first-time d ...

  7. Leading in Jeans: Millennial Unconventional Leadership in a Multi-Generational Workforce

    Millennials are no longer simply entering a multi-generational workforce; many are leading it.   As of 2015,  the majority of employees in the workforce are now Millennials, and many are being promoted to supervisory leadership positions.  This generation ...

  8. OSU will host Ag & Natural Resources Tax Issues Workshop on December 15, 2014

    OSU Income Tax Schools will again offer the Ag & Natural Resources Tax Issues Workshop by Professor Phil Harris.  The workshop will take place on December 15, 2014 at various locations around Ohio.  If you represent farmers, this full-day webinar will ...

  9. Strengths-Based Management and Supervision

    A manager’s role may be the most complicated and most important role in any organization.” –Gallup The best supervisors and managers have a keen awareness of their strengths. These managers model behavior by partnering with someone whose strengths complem ...

  10. Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference will Feature "How Well Do You Know Your Legal System?"

    Women involved in agriculture will gather on Friday, March 28, 2014 for the East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference in New Philadelphia, Ohio.   OSU's Peggy Kirk Hall, assistant professor and director of the Agricultural and Resource Law Program, w ...
