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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. New Volunteer Training (Part 1)


  2. New Volunteer Training (Part 2)


  3. Early Spring Marestail Control

    One of the major weed problems in soybean production is marestail. Unfortunately marestail is able to germinate over a prolonged time period, beginning in the early fall and then new plants germinate again from early spring through early summer.  The issu ...

  4. Grass Tetany Prevention

    As pastures and small grain fields begin to green up, and livestock owners make plans to begin early spring grazing passes, keep in mind the risk of grass tetany.  Grass tetany is caused by low blood magnesium (Mg) level.  Magnesium is one of the macro mi ...

  5. Raising Kids, Eating Right, Spending Smart, Living Well

    Living Well, is the national marketing campaign for Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS), and it’s what FCS Extension Educators all across the nation teach on a daily basis.  We share information, education and options that help address challengin ...

  6. Dog Rally and Showmanship Clinic


  7. Goat Committee


  8. Food & Fashion Board- Ohio Light Opera Costume Design Presentation and Tour

    This event is open to Wayne County 4-H Food and Fashion Board members, Jr. Leaders, 4-H Advisors, parents, and older 4-H youth.  Please rsvp by May 18th via e-mail to Abbigail Robinson or by calling the Extension Office.  Please note that parking is avail ...

  9. Wayne County Sr. Fair Board Meeting


  10. Jr. Fair Board

