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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. 4-H Poultry Committee


  2. Wayne Township Litter Outing Service Project

    Wayne Township Litter Outing Service Project Flyer ...

  3. Turkey Pick-Up

    For more information- go to ...

  4. Time to Think about Planting Peas

    Peas are one of the easiest vegetables to grow in a garden or even in containers, ­ ­if you remember to plant them early.  They do not like our hot summers, but don’t mind light frosts, so they should be planted in March or early April so they can grow, b ...

  5. FCS Workshop- Sewing

    FCS Workshop- Sewing from 1- 4 pm at the Ashland County Extension Office on Saturday, April 18. Cost is $5.00 each- pay at check-in. Space may be limited. Please pre-register by 4 pm, Thursday, April 16 by calling 419-281-8242 or emailing dininger.21@osu. ...

  6. Butler County Farm Day

    This event is free and open to the public. Butler County Farm Day Flyer ...

  7. 4-H Poultry Committee- CANCELED CHANGED TO 4/16/15 @ 7 PM


  8. Tuned In, or Tuned Out: How is Technology Affecting Your Family?

    Laptops, iPads, iPods, smart phones and other technological gadgets seem to be taking over our pockets and purses with no end in sight.  Technology is everywhere!  According to a 2005 survey, most Americans, including children, spend at least nine hours a ...

  9. Master Gardener Volunteer Annual Spring Plant Sale

    Plant sale starts at 10:00 am and lasts until plants are sold out!  All plants are carefully transplanted by Master Gardeners from their own gardens!  New and gently used garden tools and decor will also be available. Master Gardener Volunteer Annual Plan ...

  10. OSUE Volunteer Appreciation Reception and Open House

    Invitation ...
