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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Pickaway Jr Achievement Award Applications Due


  2. 4-H Enrollments Due


  3. Junior Fair Board Meeting


  4. Ohio 4-H Conference Registration due in State Office

    The 2017 Ohio 4-H Conference is designed to bring together 4-H volunteers and teens (age 13 and older) from across the State of Ohio. The objective of this event is to learn together and from each other in order to improve our abilities to deliver the Ohi ...

  5. Pickaway County 4-H Committee Meeting


  6. 4-H Officer Training

    Sessions offered include: President/Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, News Reporter, Health Officer/Safety Officer, Recreation, and Historian. Parents and Advisors are invited to attend the break-outs with their 4-H members. An Officer Induction Cerem ...

  7. 4-H Enrollments, Constitution, By-laws & Club Program Due for Bonus Honor Club Points


  8. MXC- Making eXtreme Counelors Registration Due

    Older youth 14 to 18 who plan to serve as camp counselors can come and learn innovative ideas to help them create the Most eXtreme Camps, ever! Youth will leave with skills that enable them to assist in the planning, programming and teaching process at th ...

  9. Pickaway County 4-H Week


  10. Registration Due for 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor (State) Winter Workshop

    Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor (State) Training Workshops 4-H Camp Ohio Winter Workshop Registration Form Winter Workshop February 24- 26, 2017 Registration is due on or before January 18, 2017 Directions to 4-H Camp Ohio Location Map Link to 4-H Cam ...
