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Volunteer/Club Update
Volunteer/Club Update
Volunteer/Club Update
Volunteer/Club Update
4-H News and Notes: January 15, 2016
Register Online Now for upcoming Required Advisor/Volunteer Trainings. All returning 2016 4-H Advisors, Committee Members, and Volunteers are required to attend one of these events. It only takes about 30 seconds to register online. Otherwise, please c ...
Computerized Farm Record Keeping Workshop using Quicken
Are you a farmer looking for a better way to keep your farm records? As farm size, income or debt increases, many farmers and lenders look for computer programs that allow fast data entry, have internal checks for accuracy and allow summarizing of data. M ...
Volume 16 Issue 3
Ohio Livestock Mortality Composting Certification Training
Composting livestock and poultry mortality in agricultural operations is a legal option for disposal in Ohio. This required training session will certify operators to compost livestock mortality of approved species and apply the compost to fields. It is h ...
OARDC's Distinguished Senior Faculty Research Award recipient Dr. Steven Schwartz
OARDC Director's Innovator of the Year Award recipient Dr. Hua Wang