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Ohio 4-H Horse Program Recognition Banquet
Registration Information: Registrations are due by January,10. Registrations not received or postmarked by Jan 10 will be charged an additional fee. ABSOLUTELY NO registrations will be taken after Jan 20, 2015. If registration fees are sent in separatle ...
Growing Conifers in Home Gardens Using Integrated Pest Management
This is the first of two horticulture webinars which will feature specialists from The Ohio State University, Michigan State University, South Dakota State University, and University of Minnesota. These programs are open to the public and free of charge. ...
Nominations Due for Hancock Co. Ag Hall of Fame
Link for more information and a nomination form The Hancock County Agriculture Hall of Fame strives to recognize individuals who have been instrumental to the success and excellence of agriculture, either as a farmer- or in an agriculturally related field ...
Dog Judges Seminar
Location: Animal Sciences Building Arenas, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Address: 2029 Fyffe Court, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Registion Information: Registration is $35.00 per person, which includes refreshments, lunch, and resources. Registratio ...
4-H Horse Bowl/ Hippology/ Judging Clinic
Location: OSU Animal Sciences Bldg. Address: 2029 Fyffe Ct, Columbus, Ohio 43210. Registration Information: Registration postmarked after Feb 8 will be $10.00. Registration will not be accepted after Feb 15th. Please return with the number of particip ...
Sheep & Goat Webinar 4 of 4
Tips for Improving Lambing and Kidding Percentages: Management, Genetics, and Selection Speaker: Dr. Susan Schoenian, University of Maryland Small Ruminant Specialist No fee! This is the final session of a 4-part series that is to be held every Monday eve ...
Sheep & Goat Webinar 3 of 4
Tips for Reducing Feed Losses from Silage and Hay Speaker: Dr. Bill Weiss, OSU Department of Animal Sciences No fee! This is the 3rd session of a 4-part series being held each Monday evening in February. Attend all four or individual sessions. ...
Registration due for Ohio 4-H Conference
The 2015 Ohio 4-H Conference will take place at the Greater Columbus Convention Center on Saturday, March 14. All Ohio 4-H teens and volunteers are welcome to attend! Hancock County has traditionally had great participation in this event. Here's a l ...
Sheep & Goat Webinar 2 of 4
Tips for Managing Major Sheep & Goat Diseases: OPP, CAE, Caseous Lumphadenitis, Johnes, Scrapie, and Cache Velley Virus Presentation by Dr. Eric Gordon, Ohio State University Veterinary Clinical Medicine No fee! This is session 2 of a 4-part statewide ...
Hancock 4-H Volunteer Kickoff evening session