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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Applications DUE: Camp Counselor & Jr. Fair Board

    Camp Counselor Application Junior Fair Board Application ...

  2. Mixed Heritage Buckeyes Meeting

      Time: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 6:00 PM- 7:30 PM Location: Multicultural Center Alonso Family Room We are a student organization dedicated to building community for students who identify as biracial/ethnic, multiracial/ethnic, and/or mixed race/ethn ...

  3. Cultural Competence in the 21st Century

    The College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences along with the College of  Social Work are hositng a keynote and workhsop presented by Caprice Hollins PsyD. Caprice Hollins, PsyD. And author of Diversity Equity and Inclusion: Strategies for F ...

  4. Cultural Competence in the 21st Century


  5. Cultural Competence: Addressing Race Relations in the 21st Century

    Caprice Hollins, Psy.D., author of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: Strategies for Facilitating Conversation on Race, is known nationally for her expertise in connecting cultures. This keynote address will provide a common framework and understanding of w ...

  6. AgricultuHER

    What is AgricultuHer? Do you have a desire to be an AG-vocate? Being involved in agriculture in the 21st century is more challenging than ever. Join us and other area women involved in agriculture to discuss strategies and become equipped to tell our stor ...

  7. Northwest Ohio HERC Cluster Meeting: Broadening the Diversity Conversation

    Northwest Ohio HERC Cluster Meeting Broadening the Diversity Conversation Thursday, October 13, 2016 11:00 am- 4:00 pm Bowling Green State University Student Union Bowling Green, Ohio 43403    Dear HERC Members, We cordially invite our member institutions ...

  8. Office Closed- Christmas Day Observed


  9. Office Closed- President's Day Observed

    Office Closed- President's Day Observed ...

  10. Day Week Month Advocates for Inclusion and Diversity through Education (AIDE) Meeting

    Time:  Thursday, September 29, 2016   8:00 PM- 9:00 PM Location:  Multicultural Center Alonso Family Room   A.I.D.E.  (A dvocates for  I nclusion and  D iversity through E ducation) is a group at OSU that strives to educate the campus community about soci ...
