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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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    CarTeens sessions are now open to the public for any teenage driver. The cost is 30 dollars. Please call the office to register. ...

  2. Jr Leadership Mtg

    The JL club will hold a general mtg each month except June and July. Officers will meet 30 minutes before the start of the general mtg. ...

  3. Plat Books

    The 2015 PLAT book will be available beginning April 7th. They sell for $25.00 and checks can be made out to OSU Extension. The office is open Monday- Friday 8:00-4:30pm.  Sales of the book benefit the Seneca Co 4-H program. ...

  4. Youth Protection Training


  5. News


  6. Handbook Corrections

    There is a link in the 4-H page under forms with the corrections for the new handbook.  Emails were also sent to advisors.  If you did not get an email we are working to get all the corrected/new email addresses in and will be done shortly.  If you have a ...

  7. MGV Meeting

    Youth Protection Training will be conducted for all volunteers in attendance. This is a new requirement of The Ohio State University. ...

  8. Camp Counselor Lock-In

    NOTE CHANGES to this event from what is printed in 2015 Hancock County 4-H Calendar! Due to some area schools being in session now on President's Day, the Counselor 'lock-in' will be held from 5-10 pm on Sunday February 15. ...

  9. Corn Production Update

    Mixture of live and webinar presentations Getting the most out of your fertilizer dollar- Dr. Ed Lentz, OSU Extension Crop Specialist Corn interaction with today's production management systems- Dr. Peter Thomison, OSU Extension State Corn Specialist ...

  10. Soybean Production Update

    Mixture of live and webinar presentations What inputs are the most critical for profitable soybean production- Dr. Ed Lentz, OSU Extension Crop Specialist Agronomic practices to maximize soybean yield- Dr. Laura Lindsey, OSU Extension State Specialist Soy ...
